Inclement Weather! 9am service on 01/20/2019 cancelled!
With all the precipitation we’ve had and the falling temperatures, we want to give the salt trucks time in the morning to clear the roads. Therefore, the 9am service is cancelled.
We’ll still gather at the 11am service, along with having the New Membership Class as scheduled.
As always, we trust that you’ll use good judgment when evaluating traffic conditions. Be safe and hope to see you all tomorrow!
We have moved to a single service on Sunday mornings. Our services will begin at 10:00am. Hope to see you there!
CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: Gathering Cancelled for 03/15/2020.
Grace Covenant Church has decided to cancel our Sunday morning services, March 15, 2020 in order to love our neighbors well in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though we are not gathering, I am still preaching. The Sermon will be available at 10:00am on our YouTube channel. We encourage you to worship at home with your family. Sing together, read scripture, pray, and then watch the sermon together. We will continue to monitor the situation and inform you if further cancellations are necessary.
Please see the message from Pastor Greg here:
* Grace Covenant Church will resume single service corporate gatherings on March 14, 2021, 10am.
Midweek Gathering UPDATE:
* Our midweek service this week, January 18th is cancelled. We will resume our study on Revelation next week, January 25th. Thank you!
Who we are
Grace Covenant is a Gospel-centered church committed to proclaiming Christ, preparing disciples, participating in community, and practicing mission and mercy.
Sunday services
- 9am – Bagels & Coffee
- 9:15am – Sunday School
- 10:30am – Worship Service
6420 Bridgetown Road
Cincinnati, OH 45248
Our Core Principles
God’s Good News is Jesus, the Son of God and Savior of sinners. We especially gather as God’s people during Sunday worship to proclaim Christ in preaching of the word, prayer, song, and communion.
God enables his people to live as faithful followers of Christ. We prepare disciples by teaching and training believers, within class settings and relational mentorships, to effectively live and share their faith.
God calls his people out of darkness and into the church. We encourage Christian community which lives life together in meaningful relationships as we participate both in weekly worship and in home groups.
God shows his glory and power to the world through lives changed by the Gospel. We minister to a hurting world through local and worldwide evangelism and through deeds of mercy.
Current Sermon Series
Small Groups
Go beyond Sunday service
Small Groups provide a great venue for both new believers and seasoned Christians to grow in their relationship with Christ and his church. Sign to get connected with a Small Group and start a new journey in your Christian life.
Thinking about visiting? Check out New Here.
Get Involved
Gain a deeper understanding of God’s word
Sunday School
Our desire is to grow in our faith, create new friendships, and strengthen our walk with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Learn about the various ministries, student groups, Bible studies and classes we are involved in at Grace Covenant Church.
Being connected and committed to a gospel centered church is vital to our Christian growth. Learn more about what it means to be a member here.