Community Groups
At Grace Covenant we believe church expands beyond the Sunday service. Community groups provide a great venue for both new believers and seasoned Christians to grow in their relationship with Christ through meeting in homes on a regular basis.
Grace Kids
Every Sunday morning, we provide a kid-friendly, safe environment for kids to learn about Jesus and his gospel from the Bible. We do this by weekly teaching a Christ-centered curriculum while also leading fun activities and games that correspond with the lessons.
Grace College & Careers
Grace CNC meets weekly in the main church auditorium beginning 10-15 minutes after Sunday morning worship service. We have light refreshments and coffee, followed by teaching and breakout groups for discussion and application. Grace CNC is our College and Career Ministry, open to all young adults, both college students and those getting started in their careers. We have regular social and service events, in addition to our Sunday morning fellowship and discipleship time, so we think you will enjoy these opportunities to connect with other CNC folks at Grace! See you Sunday!
Grace Students
Our student ministry is a biblically foundational, family driven, Christ-centered community. Statistics show that large percentages of students walk away from the church upon graduation. This is largely due to the segregation between youth group and church.
Women of Grace
The Women of Grace Ministry at GCC is dedicated to touching the lives of all women with our hearts and with our gifts from God. By showing God’s love and grace, we encourage each other to in turn become a blessing to others. Our desire is to grow in our faith, create new friendships, and strengthen our walk with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, by serving each other and by applying God’s Word to our lives.
Grace Men
Our Men’s Ministry’s primary goal is to lift up Christ for all to see. We help and encourage men to love God and to love others through discipleship. Our mission is to spiritually train men so they can disciple others to be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
Elective Classes
We believe that the church is to equip every believer so that they will live and share their faith with others. This happens in our class settings during Elective classes, which are generally held on Sunday evenings throughout the year.
Core Groups
At Grace Covenant we believe church expands beyond the Sunday service. Core groups provide a great venue for both new believers and seasoned Christians to grow in their relationship with Christ through meeting in homes on a regular basis.

Women’s Bible Studies
The Women’s Bible Studies at GCC are dedicated to touching the lives of all women with our hearts and with our gifts from God. By showing God’s love and grace, we encourage each other to in turn become a blessing to others. Our desire is to grow in our faith, create new friendships, and strengthen our walk with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, by serving each other and by applying God’s Word to our lives.

Men’s Bible Studies
Our Men’s Bible Studies’ primary goal is to lift up Christ for all to see. We help and encourage men to love God and to love others through discipleship. Our mission is to spiritually train men so they can disciple others to be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

Elective Classes
We believe that the church is to equip every believer so that they will live and share their faith with others. This happens in our class settings during Elective classes, which are generally held on Sunday evenings throughout the year.
Grace Kids
Every Sunday morning, we provide a kid-friendly, safe environment for kids to learn about Jesus and his gospel from the Bible. We do this by weekly teaching a Christ-centered curriculum while also leading fun activities and games that correspond with the lessons.