Grace Covenant Homeschool Resources & Children's Library


Thank you for using the Homeschool Resource Center and Children’s Library. Our mission is to provide a wide range of high-quality books and resources to support the education and enrichment of children. While we have carefully curated and recommend these materials, it’s important to remember that not every book or resource may be suitable for every family. We encourage you to exercise discernment when making your selections.

Location: The Library is located in the lower level of Grace Covenant Church, near the lobby stairs.

These resources come in three categories:

  • Homeschool Resources – Books and Resources that can be used for curriculum.
  • Children’s Library – Books available for your children to read!
  • Parent Resources – Books to aide parents in thinking and making decisions about their children’s education.

Anyone using the library will need to register with the library, after carefully reading Policies & Procedures, please take a moment to read through those.